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Tēma: BMW Motorrad

17. Jun 2008, 11:11#81

Kopš: 21. Apr 2008

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 1950

Braucu ar: BigBandit, Hexagon

palaidi garām 3 moču nomešanas! es tā arī netiku pabraukt ar to, dēļ kā vispār uz 3niekiem devos... tb F800... nekas, būs kādā tusā ar Gintz jāsamainās uz brīdi

[ Šo ziņu laboja Morsitis, 27 Sep 2008, 18:22:30 ]


17. Jun 2008, 11:13#82

Kopš: 12. Jun 2008

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 32

Braucu ar: '64 Pannonia T1

Kads meginaja F800S/ST? Loooti patik shamie

[ Šo ziņu laboja wheelie, 17 Jun 2008, 11:19:39 ]


17. Jun 2008, 11:15#83

Kopš: 21. Apr 2008

Ziņojumi: 1283

Braucu ar: perdaljotiem

a kas ir ar to HP2 Enduro ????




17. Jun 2008, 11:23#84

Kopš: 21. Apr 2008

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 1950

Braucu ar: BigBandit, Hexagon

800F pamēģināju pagājušogad... nu nez.. es laikam neesmu tādu moču cienītājs pēc definīcijas attiecīgi mani neuzrunāja. to, ka slikts nepagalvoju un nemaz nesākšu teikt. vienkārši nav mans... viņš mani neuzrunāja.

Sporc - HP2

Manējais ir R1200R !! vēljoprojām ceru nopirkt viņu tuvākajā laikā...

[ Šo ziņu laboja Morsitis, 17 Jun 2008, 11:24:16 ]


17. Jun 2008, 11:26#85

Kopš: 21. Apr 2008

Ziņojumi: 1283

Braucu ar: perdaljotiem

nu ja ja daudz braukaa un gabalus tad janjem tas lielais.




17. Jun 2008, 11:37#86

Kopš: 21. Apr 2008

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 1950

Braucu ar: BigBandit, Hexagon

pamēģināju 1200GF.. kaareiz lieliem gabaliem un ilgai braukšanai... BET ikdienai + padauzīties pa mežu, tomēr jams i pa lielu.
HP2 - ekstrēms! bet atkal jau neder ikdienai.
Ar X-chalanger pagājušogad svilpojot uzvilku 3nieku kalnā, viegls ērts un ļoti paklausīgs.
650GF - man pa mazu... (tad jau labāk ar Aprīļa zirgu)
Kruīzeri = forši, BET ne man!


17. Jun 2008, 12:02#87

Kopš: 17. Jun 2008

No: Ikšķile

Ziņojumi: 257

Braucu ar: agronoma sapni (BMW R1200GS Adventure LC)

1kārt Morsītis nerubī fišku, jo GS saukā par GF
2kārt Morsītis nerubī fišku, jo, kad es šo aicināju doties izbraukumā, kauko vēl marinēja, kamēr izbraucieni arī tika pārtraukti.

Nedaudz iesācēja atsauksmes par iemēģinātajiem BMW:
F800GS - patīkams, augsts urkšķis. Varētu būt labi derīgs iesācējiem - gan uz priekšu iet, gan nesmags, gan nav īpaši agresīvs. Sēdi augstu - tāli redzi. Par bezceļa īpašībām spriest neesmu gatavs. Manā izpratnē tomēr nav īsts BMW (2 stobri blakus, nav Telelever, nav Paralever)
R1200GS - klasika, ko tur daudz vēl pateikt. Konkrētajam sēdpozīcija bija zemāka par F800GS (moš kaukādi elektroniski vadāmās piekares uzstādījumi). Pie 3krpm boxervibrācija pazūd pa visam. Skaņa mani valdzina.
R1200R (Morsīša favorīts) - oga. Tā kā plikais mocis, bet ar šito zemapgriezienu (salīdzinot ar manu Horneti) motoru tam tāds nobriedušāka huligāna tēls. Tonis, vadāmībā, cēliens (kad ieber) un tēls kopumā dikti iešarmē. Ja būtu jāpērk braucamais tikai pa pilsētu, tad šis būtu variants.
R1200RT - kaukāds pusceļojumu aparāc. Nevarēju atrast ērtu attālumu līdz stūrei, tāpēc neiepatikās. Un tad vēl radio bļaustījās (pirms braukšanas neizslēdzu, braucot negribēju pogas meklēt) un traucēja baudīt boxerskaņu
K1200R - monstrs. Sēdpozīcija tāda baikiska. It kā onkas teica, ka var braukt arī chillojot, bet tomēr var just, ka jau no 3krpm tas verķis ir gatavs eksplozīvam huligānismam. Man bija bailes un es priecīgs biju, kad šito noliku atpakaļ. Točna nav priekš iesācējiem.


17. Jun 2008, 12:21#88

Kopš: 21. Apr 2008

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 1950

Braucu ar: BigBandit, Hexagon

man vienmēr ir bijusi slikta atmiņa uz indeksiem, pielikumiem un dažādiem nosaukumiem...


17. Jun 2008, 12:53#89

Kopš: 23. Apr 2008

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 2652

Braucu ar: S1000XR, RS50

Jā, laiks bija par slapju, lai līdz galam izbaudītu K1200R un R1200R....

būvuzraudzība, ēku tehniskā apsekošana u.c.


17. Jun 2008, 23:08#90

Kopš: 10. Jun 2008

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 6

Braucu ar: BMW F 800 GS

Man baigi patik tas R1200R, dabuju pameģināt tikai bišķīt, jo tieši tad visu vizināšanos pārtrauca. Mani pārsteidza vibrācija tukšgaitā!

Esmu nonācis pie secinājuma, ka mans F800GS ir baigi OK, jo ir labs priekš pilsētas un var arī off roadā pabraukt, tāliem gabaliem arī ir OK. Vienīgi mani BM auto serviss nepatīkami pārsteidza, pēc 1000 km apkopes moci dabuju nenomazgātu, ķēde saeļota netīrot to un vēl nocūkots viss ar ķēdes eļojamo!!!


18. Jun 2008, 11:13#91

Kopš: 21. Apr 2008

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 1950

Braucu ar: BigBandit, Hexagon

18 Jun 2008, 01:19:43 MAD_DOG rakstīja:

17 Jun 2008, 10:54:33 Morsitis rakstīja:
ee!!! dajosh bildes!

iedod mailu aizmetiishu

nau jau tā, ka man vajadzētu bildes "es pie korisha bee-emm-vee mopeeda". domāju, moš saliksi kautko skaistu, tā lai visiem prieks


27. Sep 2008, 12:21#92

Kopš: 27. Sep 2008

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 12

Braucu ar: pirkstu pa karti

kads varetu man pateikt kur var iepirkt prieks BMW F650 99gada keedi !!!


28. Sep 2008, 14:50#93

Kopš: 21. Apr 2008

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 1193

Braucu ar: HD FXFBS

27 Sep 2008, 12:21:47 runcens rakstīja:
kads varetu man pateikt kur var iepirkt prieks BMW F650 99gada keedi !!!


Kette RK 520XSO 110 Glieder, endlos
High-Tech-Ketten von RK ermöglichen eine optimale und zuverlässige Kraftübertragung. Deshalb entscheiden sich auch viele japanische Motorradhersteller für RK und rüsten ihre Maschinen ab Werk häufig mit RK-Ketten aus, die nach denselben hohen Vorgaben gefertigt werden, wie sie in der Erstausrüstung verlangt werden. Starke Kettenglieder: Beste Materialien und eine einwandfreie Qualitätskontrolle machen RK-Ketten zu einer der stärksten, die Sie kaufen können. Alle Laschen werden aus speziallegiertem Stahl gestanzt und wärmegehärtet, um die Materialstärke zu verbessern. RK-Motorradketten sind vorgelängt, um eine hohe Belastung und eine geringe Wartung zu ermöglichen.
XW-Ring (Kette geschlossen), wird ohne Schloss geliefert
Gewicht kg pro 100 Glieder: 1,540
Zugfestigkeit kg: 3600
Relat. Festigk. Stand. Kette = 100%: 130
Relat. Verschl. Festigk. Stand. Kette = 100%: 800

In den Warenkorb legen € 61,95

Jeb paņem paraugu un ej uz veikalu - gan jau piemeklēsi.

Rezerves daļas un serviss.


28. Sep 2008, 15:14#94

Kopš: 27. Sep 2008

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 12

Braucu ar: pirkstu pa karti

cerams ....


28. Sep 2008, 15:54#95

Kopš: 07. Jun 2008

Ziņojumi: 2129

Braucu ar: Yahama

Nu bet taks ja tur ir paredzeeta 520-taa kjeede, tad jebkur un jebkaada razhotaaja kjeedi var pirkt, vai ar x vai O ringiem vai vispaar bez ringiem. gaumes lieta.

Gudra sieviete pati saprot ka ir stulba :)


28. Sep 2008, 21:36#96

Kopš: 11. Sep 2008

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 45

Braucu ar: R1 '09 Crossplane

27 Sep 2008, 12:21:47 runcens rakstīja:
kads varetu man pateikt kur var iepirkt prieks BMW F650 99gada keedi !!!

BM Auto, Dārzciema 64a neder?


28. Sep 2008, 23:04#97

Kopš: 27. Sep 2008

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 12

Braucu ar: pirkstu pa karti

28 Sep 2008, 21:36:59 PR rakstīja:

27 Sep 2008, 12:21:47 runcens rakstīja:
kads varetu man pateikt kur var iepirkt prieks BMW F650 99gada keedi !!!

BM Auto, Dārzciema 64a neder?
rit zinasu


29. Sep 2008, 23:26#98

Kopš: 24. Sep 2008

Ziņojumi: 3662

Braucu ar: QWERTY...

re kadas problemas ar Dakar:


Diezgan nesmiekliigs defekts. Tur talaak veel ir bildes ar saliidzinaajumu pret to, kaa jaunaakas dakshas ir pamainiitas, tomer BMW officiali nav atsaucis vecaas. Ta kaa esiet uzmaniigi.

[ Šo ziņu laboja martinss, 29 Sep 2008, 23:28:12 ]

Actually, dumbass, helmets and body armor save lives. Loud pipes just annoy the neighbors.


29. Sep 2008, 23:44#99

Kopš: 21. Apr 2008

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 2923

Braucu ar: duke 690, yamaha YRS-24B

29 Sep 2008, 23:26:41 martinss rakstīja:

re kadas problemas ar Dakar:


Diezgan nesmiekliigs defekts. Tur talaak veel ir bildes ar saliidzinaajumu pret to, kaa jaunaakas dakshas ir pamainiitas, tomer BMW officiali nav atsaucis vecaas. Ta kaa esiet uzmaniigi.

mjaa, palasiju, sukas BMW atshuj visus cietushos...

Jāņa evanģēlijs 7:37
Beidzamajā, lielajā svētku dienā Jēzus uzstājās un sauca: "Ja kam slāpst, tas lai nāk pie Manis un dzer!


10. May 2009, 00:43#100

Kopš: 23. Apr 2008

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 2652

Braucu ar: S1000XR, RS50

Tā, beidzot ir info no oficiālā saita:
www.bmw-motorrad.com ----> news ---> Welcome to planet power.

The BMW S 1000 RR.

Welcome to planet power.
The BMW S 1000 RR.

Right on time for the World Superbike Championship race at the tradition-steeped high-speed track in the royal park of Monza, the new BMW S 1000 is in the pit lane and ready to go: BMW Motorrad’s first ever superbike. With a completely newly developed innovative 4-cylinder in-line engine with 193 bhp and a weight of just 204 kg fully fuelled and 183 kg dry weight, this supersports bike sets the benchmark - not just in terms of power-to-weight ratio. With the lightest Race ABS weighing just 2.5 kg and the traction control system DTC (Dynamic Traction Control) as a special equipment feature, it also brings new standards to the areas of riding dynamics, riding safety and innovation.

When this new BMW motorcycle starts in the 2009 World Superbike Championship, it will be possible to see how close the serial production model is to the racing bike. To achieve this, the serial motorcycle offers a vehicle concept which is absolutely consistent in all areas: top output, broad engine speed range, high revving ability, optimum rigidity of the chassis and a perfect engine set-up are a requirement. But also easy ridability, agile handling and especially safety features such as rider assistance systems like ABS and traction control are at the top of customer wish-lists in the top league of supersports motorcycles nowadays.

The BMW Motorrad development team entered completely new territory when it started work on the S 1000 RR. The task that faced them was enormous and they required a high level of motivation to set a new benchmark here – and this is what they came up with:

Top figures in terms of engine and ride performance.
Stable chassis with outstanding handling and traction.
Unmistakable, dynamic BMW Motorrad design.
Very low vehicle weight.
Top quality as is characteristic of BMW.
Unique within the competition

4-cylinder engines and aluminium bridge frames have been established in this peed league for decades. Riding dynamics, long-term durability and manufacturability all benefit from this principle. And BMW Motorrad succeeded in achieving significant improvements in virtually all areas. The European art of engineering is demonstrated here not just with many differentiation features in terms of technology, performance and design but especially in the bike’s highly compact overall conception.

Even though the S 1000 R is designed more uncompromisingly for supersports use than any other BMW, it has many of the virtues which have always been characteristic of BMW: it combines extreme sporty flair and riding dynamics with a high level of suitability for everyday use, easy handling and absolute ride stability, impressive performance, the highest level of active safety and a dynamic, distinctive design – while still boasting outstanding ergonomics and aerodynamics. Other characteristic BMW Motorrad qualities provide a real bonus in the supersports segment, such as durability, manufacturing quality and the best possible environmental compatibility due to state-of-the-art emission controls with two closed-loop 3-way catalytic converters to prepare the bike to meet future exhaust emission regulations.

The Race ABS, specially developed for the S 1000 RR and its use for supersports racing, is available as an special equipment feature ex works, providing a definite plus in terms of active safety when braking. The electronically regulated traction control system DTC (Dynamic Traction Control) – likewise an optional extra – also offers an enormous increase in active riding safety when accelerating. Whether on a wet surface (“Rain”), road (“Sport”), race track with supersports tyres (“Race”) or race track with slicks (“Slick”) – the system offers the appropriate mode for all conditions – at the press of a button. In order to ensure the very highest level of performance and safety, the Race ABS and traction control systems are of course entirely coordinated with each other.

Intake and outlet valves in titanium and very small and light individual cam followers combined with a short tooth-type chain for the camshaft driven by an intermediate gear enable the highest level of speed resistance and precise adherence to valve timing while also occupying a small space. The result is a particularly low basic engine weight of 59.8 kg and a very narrow overall width.

The exhaust system of the S 1000 RR, made entirely of high-grade steel, has outstanding performance characteristics: designed according to the 4-in-2-in-1 principle with four equally long individual manifolds, it initially runs into two pipes under the engine casing and then into a large-volume front silencer. Finally there is a very short, dynamically designed rear silencer: after all, a homogeneous output and torque curve and thus excellent ridability are crucial requirements for sporty performance on the road and fast lap times on the race track. Linked to mapping, engine speed and throttle position, a control motor regulates the degree of opening via two exhaust flaps and the connection between the two manifold pipes. In this way, reduced exhaust gas counter pressure (similar to that in a race silencer) increases filling.

At a weight of 206.5 kg road-ready and fully fuelled, the S 1000 RR is by far the lightest 1000 cc ABS supersports model. The bridge frame in aluminium perfectly integrates the engine, tilted forward by 32 degrees, for optimum torsional stiffness combined with minimum weight. At the front there is an ample upside-down fork with 46 mm stanchion diameter, at the rear a torsionally stiff swing arm in aluminium with single suspension strut controlled by a relay lever. The rear frame is a welded construction made of light alloy profiles bolted to the main frame – this is especially appreciated by riders and teams in practice due to the low weight but high level of stability and a certain robustness on the race track.

The fact that the rider is the central focus is demonstrated by the active, concentrated and front-wheel-oriented seat position, entirely geared towards the rider and the bike’s use for racing purposes. The sophisticated ergonomics equally addresses the needs of short and tall riders. The fuel tank section is as narrow as in a 600 cc bike and gives the rider a sense of excellent controllability. In spite of the fact that the bike has the largest cylinder bore in the segment at 80 mm along with the resulting cylinder head width, the front silhouette of the S 1000 RR is extremely narrow. Nonetheless it provides a highly efficient cooling air through-flow. And it offers outstanding aerodynamics, too: with the S 1000 RR, BMW Motorrad offers its customers a vehicle which sets new standards in terms of performance within the supersports segment.

The paint finishes available highlight the unique, dynamic character of the new BMW S 1000 RR:
Mineral Silver metallic in conjunction with Ostra Grey swing arm and wheels provides a highly technical, clear contrast and gives the S 1000 RR an extremely light, compact and dynamic appearance without making it seem brash.
The colour option Thunder Grey metallic deliberately avoids such powerful contrasts, providing a compact look in combination with Ostra Grey swing arm and wheels
In bold Acid Green metallic the S 1000 RR makes a clear sporty statement. Here again there is a powerful contrast, impressively underscoring the dynamic character of the S 1000 RR. In this colour version the swing arm is anodised silver, with wheels in high-gloss black.
At an additional charge the new S 1000 RR is also available in a paint finish based on that of the superbike racing factory racing machines of the Team BMW Motorrad Motorsport. Here the bike is finished in Alpine White non-metallic, Magma Red non-metallic and Lupine Blue metallic. Once again the swing arm is in anodised silver and the wheels are finished in high-gloss black in these versions.

In all colour versions, the frame is black.
An additional visual highlight of all colour versions is the red spring of the suspension strut.

Here is an overview of the technical highlights:
Excellent performance figures and top level riding dynamics within the supersports segment
4-cylinder in-line engine, traditional upsweep of the crankshaft by 180 degrees for even ignition intervals, wet sump lubrication
Engine output 142 kW (193 bhp) at 13,000 rpm and maximum torque of 112 Nm at 9,750 rpm
Capacity: 999 cc, bore 80 mm, stroke 49.7 mm. The particularly short-stroke bore/stroke ratio of 0.621 is the basis for an absolute high-output power unit with the very highest level of performance
At a weight of 206.5 kg road-ready and fully fuelled it is the lightest supersports bike in the supersports category with ABS
1.05 or 1.06 kg per bhp (with/without Race ABS): the best power-to-weight ratio in its category
Special equipment feature Race ABS for outstanding brake performance and brake safety. The system weighs just 2.5 kg, while other solutions here weigh anything up to 10 kg.
Optional extra: traction control DTC (Dynamic Traction Control) in conjunction with Race ABS for excellent performance and maximum active riding safety when accelerating
The only supersports bike with Race ABS and DTC (Dynamic Traction Control)
Performance modes can be selected by rider by pressing button, covering wet surface, road, race track with sports tyres and race track with slicks
Fully coordinated set-up of Race ABS, DTC (Dynamic Traction Control) and engine management for all four modes
Extremely speed resistant valve control mechanism with individual cam followers and titanium valves based on BMW Formula 1 engines
Innovative exhaust gas system with small, short rear silencer, front silencer and electronically regulated interference pipe valves as well as controlled exhaust flap and two close-loop 3-way catalytic converters
Optimum fuel dosage with maximum functional reliability due to e-gas (electronic throttle control) based on two Bowden cables (opener, closer) to the throttle valve sensor
Fulfilment of all valid environment standards with the potential to meet future exhaust regulations due to two closed-loop catalytic converters and digital engine management system
Damper elements with broad adjustment range in the spring rest and compression stage as well as large damping reserves, especially for use on the race track
New, clearly defined and therefore simple adjustment facilities for suspension set-up
Aluminium fuel tank unique in this segment – for further weight reduction
Thrilling handling combined with excellent high-speed and braking stability
Multifunctional instrument panel with racing features such as lap timer. All settings can be made directly from the handlebar grips
New shift generation with optimised ergonomics
Sophisticated aerodynamics and sporty ergonomics to suit short and tall riders alike
HP shift assistant as optional extra, to shift up without clutch activation or interference of traction
Extensive range of extras and tailor-made accessories to high BMW quality standards


būvuzraudzība, ēku tehniskā apsekošana u.c.
